Part of Our San Marcos Community

Jana is aware of the benefits of a dynamic lifestyle. She was dancing and practicing different types of movements all her life. “When we start practicing our whole being body-mind-spirit will benefit” - she says.

Jana teaches chair yoga, chair dance and meditation courses at the San Marcos Senior Activity Center.

The Senior Activity Center has a wide variety of activities, programs and events, senior classes, community meetings, church functions, and others for adults 50 years old and older.

As every yoga practitioner, Jana knows that every human being as an individual is integrated into the wholeness of the Manifestation.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."- Lao-Tzu

We are all connected with every other living being on this Planet. Without the communities we live in our lives would be isolated and meaningless. Meeting other people, having programs and activities with others is an essential part of cultivating a self-fulfilled life. It also allows us to interact, share experiences and support one another. This will give us a deeper sense of belonging and in time can build valuable relationships.

A sense of belonging to a local community, for example, improves our physical, emotional and mental health. Being part of a community gives us strength and comfort. When we become aware of the connection with others our life will become better and happier. When we share with others our knowledge and use our skills and talents for the benefit of others we actually create more joy, trust.