Seven Signs that Show You Need a Detoxification

The concept of detoxification is already well-known. In the wellness world, you will easily find hundreds of different ways to purify your body.
With this world growing increasingly toxic, the most important question is not 'if' it's rather 'when' you should do the detoxification. So if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, it's a sign that you need a detoxification:

1. Digestive Problems

This is one of the most obvious signs that you need a detoxification. Chronic constipation, bloating diarrhea and gas are uncomfortable but also are important signs your body is not functioning the way it should be. Give your gut a break and start the detoxification!

2. Skin Problems

Toxins and chemicals are negative factors when it comes about the appearance and health of our skin. Toxins can hinder the function of the liver, the body's main detoxifying organ. All those problems can show up on the surface in the form of rashes, inflammation and acne.

3. Constant Fatigue

Persistent fatigue may be a sign that it's time for some cleansing. Eliminate the stress factors from your life, start to relax more and grab some fresh juice!

4. Regular Joint Pain

Chronic inflammation can cause problems to your muscles and joints. If you are constantly stiff, sore and achy, even if you are not working hard at the gym, it's a red flag that your body needs to be cleansed.

5. Weight Problems

Without the proper balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria problems like inflammation and a slowed metabolism will appear. Start healing your gut, have a healthy diet and adopt a dynamic lifestyle.

6. Bad Smell

Your body is always trying to eliminate toxins, and a bad odor is a sign that your body wants to cleanse itself. Excessive body smell and bad breath are signs that toxins have reached a high level. So pick up some green juice instead of the deodorant stick!

7. Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression often stem from inflammation. You need to start to decrease inflammation by eliminating unhealthy food from your diet and you may find that you start to feel a sense of serenity and calm.