Get in Shape and Enjoy It - Physical Exercises for Senior Adults

If you are a senior adult physical activity it is essential for your health and overall well-being. Many seniors find themselves unable to do physical activities as they get older. This often creates a vicious circle that leads to less physical activity and more health problems. But it really doesn't have to be that way. The first step is to find the most suitable and enjoyable way to do some physical exercise.

There are many low-impact exercises for seniors, with no complicated maneuvers, with no risk of injury and stress on the body. Here are some ideas to keep you in shape in a gentle and enjoyable way:

Let's Dance

Dancing improves coordination, balance and muscular strength. It has also great benefits for the joints and the cardiovascular system.

It will also bring a lot of joy into your life. You will be a part of a small group, a small enthusiastic community with the same problems and issues as yourself. You won't be isolated and lonely. For many types of dance classes like for example the chair dance, you don't even have to bring a partner.

Water Workout - Swimming, Aerobic, Jogging

Few things are healthier than a water workout. Many water exercises are also low-impact exercises with no risk of injury. For seniors, water aerobics, aqua jogging, and swimming are great ways to do some low-impact exercise and socialize. Some of the benefits of the water exercises are:

  • Improved overall cardiovascular health
  • Decreased risk of lung cancer
  • Improved overall muscular strength
  • Reduced risk for osteoporosis
  • Increased whole-body flexibility
  • Improved coordination and balance

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a well-known form of ancient Chinese martial arts. It involves controlled, slow and low-impact movements that can be easily practiced by seniors, even by those with limited movement. Tai Chi improves the hand-eye coordination and helps seniors feel steadier on their feet. This form of exercise for seniors will strengthen the muscles, increase the flexibility and brings calm and an overall well-being.

Chair Yoga

It's already a well-known fact that yoga improves strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and reduces stress. Many yoga poses can be modified and adapted to work for those who are less flexible or have decreased body strength. Even senior adults with limited mobility have a higher quality of life with a regular yoga program adapted to their condition. It is a gentle and efficient way to achieve and maintain overall strength and fitness.

Joining a chair yoga class for seniors will not only make you healthier but it is also a wonderful opportunity to interact with others and make some new friends.

Keep Yourself Active and Healthy in a Gentle, Efficient and Joyful Way

These are only four ways for seniors to achieve and maintain body-mind-spirit health.

These exercises are also great ways to avoid loneliness and depression. If you make a short research on the internet or call your local senior center you can find many other ways - classes, courses - to do physical activity.

Find the most suitable exercise for you and enjoy it!